Reflection Post 12 - Final Project Week 3
Full disclosure: This post was late. Just like last week. But today I am actually going to start this project! Yay to beating procrastination! This is my plan for today, 11/24/2020:
Full disclosure: This post was late. Just like last week. But today I am actually going to start this project! Yay to beating procrastination! This is my plan for today, 11/24/2020:
Let me quickly just point out the elephant in the room: this reflection post is late. I am not happy with it either, but it is what it is. So here I am, on a lonesome Tuesday night, trying to redeem myself as a consistent blogger. Please, forgive me.
There was no reading this week. Instead, the topic of this reflection blog is supposed to be about the final project. I am sad to say I have not yet started on creating my final project, so I can’t tell you how that process is going. In my defense, I did have two tests this week so I was busy with other classes. That’s okay though because I am going to talk about my final project proposal and my ideas!
This week’s reading was about audience, which will be important when creating the final project for this class! The semester is almost over!
Here is the link to my story.
Howdy and welcome back to my blog! This week’s reading was about aleatory poetry, which was interesting to learn about. I knew about the idea, but I have never put an official name to it.
This week’s reading was about Hypertext, which was an interesting read. I want to make the time to read the essay “As We May Think”. I do not have time this week because of exams, work, and other commitments but I will make time next week!
This week’s reading was on hypertext, but in this reflective blog post I want to focus on one aspect that was mentioned during the reading: the article “As We May Think” by Vannevar Bush in July 1945.
I have a lot to say on this week’s reflection blog, so let’s get started!
October 5th Update: Well, that was a tough two weeks. CSS is a new language for me, and I had a rough time getting into it. A few weeks back, I changed my theme to “Merlot” because I thought it would be a good idea! Update: it was not. I was struggling to change my theme using CSS, so I had to backtrack.
Guess who wrote an entire reflective blog post for the week only to realize that it was for the wrong topic!!! The answer: me! So here is round two for this week’s reflective blog post.
This week, the weekly reading was about metadata, or “data about data”. In short, we learned about how to add data to the data we have already made, aka categorize our blog posts. At first this seemed complicated, but I was able to add categories to my blog pretty quickly. Did I actually do it right? I hope so!
This week, I decided to analyze one of my favorite blogs. Again. I won’t apologize for this.
This weeks reading covered what a file is, how to edit it, and other useful information about files. For the Hands-on activity, I created a new page on my blog where I discussed my backpacking trip to the Great Smoky Mountains. For this reflective blog post, I decided to focus on my favorite personal finance blog The Finanical Diet
This weeks reading covered different types of files and how we can use files. I used this information and the tutorial included on the hands-on activity assignment to create a new page on my blog.
Last week, the reading “What is Data” covered the vast topic of data. This reading touched on the definition of data, different forms of data, and how data relates to writing. To me, the most interesting part in “What is Data?” was the discussion of how data relates to writing and how data becomes writing. This section of the reading made me think more about how digital writing and data has become so prevalent our daily lives. The hands-on activity focused on data visualization, or in other words, charts and graphs. There were three examples to be analyzed and discussed. Both the reading and the hands-on activity were discussed in each blog post this week.
After learning more about data this past week, I found an interesting data chart from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, shown on I sought out to find data on the unemployment rates in the United States because I am currently applying for full-time jobs. When millions of Americans were laid off or furloughed earlier in 2020, it scared me. After looking at this data, it made me more confident about the recovering job market.
The topic this week was data, which is an all-encompassing term used for many applications. While looking at the background reading, I noticed that my eyes were drawn to certain types of visualizations. One example is the Flow Map, which I have seen more recently with the spread of COVID-19. This type of visualization stuck out to me because I see graphs like it on the news and online. It grabs your attention and shows the data through movement geographically.
I am so excited to publish my first blog post! If you did not read that sentence in Kim Kardashian’s voice, please read it again so you’ll the full vibe of this blog. I know I just said vibe, I’m disappointed too.