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There was no reading this week. Instead, the topic of this reflection blog is supposed to be about the final project. I am sad to say I have not yet started on creating my final project, so I can’t tell you how that process is going. In my defense, I did have two tests this week so I was busy with other classes. That’s okay though because I am going to talk about my final project proposal and my ideas!

My final project will be a lifestyle, personal finance blog. I wanted to create this type of blog because I like reading about personal finance and there are not many blogs that cater to my age range. Shocker, I know. I also would like to continue building and growing this blog after I graduate in December. I think it will be a fun project!

My audience will be in the age range 15 to 30 years old. This is a large age gap, but I will organize my blog in a way that the content for high school students is separated from college and post grad life. I hope that people outside of this class will actually find and read my blog!

There are other sites that use the same genre as I do. Some of these I have used as examples in previous reflection posts, so I will not waste your time repeating information. The example for this week is a personal finance blog called The Twenty Percent, linked (here)[https://the-twenty-per-cent.com/savings-and-investments/]. I found this blog through Twitter, and I have not spent too much time reading through the blog posts. Personally, I do not like the aesthetic of the blog. I think it is chunky and hard to navigate.

I did not notice how poorly the information on the blog is organized until Professor Pilsch pointed it out to me in response to my proposal. There organization structure is messy. There are links on the home page to categories with lots of blog posts and information, but these links are not included in the navigation bar. In the navigation bar, there are links that do not have one blog post in them!

I know that my final project will not be finished by the time this project is due, but I hope to have a general structure to the blog and a few blog posts up. I am choosing a minimalist design, even though I am unsure exactly what that will look like right now. I will be using the colors maroon, white, and black (obviously). I have not seen many personal finance bloggers use these colors and I think that can give my blog a professional look. I will also need to learn how to make photos have links next to blog posts on the first page, or the “spash” page as Professor Pilsch called it.

Expect more updates next week. I think I might do a day by day type of reflection blog post where I date each update throughout the week so you can actually see my struggles and successes during this final project. Also, it might help me not to procrastinate! Alright, see y’all next week!!