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This weeks reading covered different types of files and how we can use files. I used this information and the tutorial included on the hands-on activity assignment to create a new page on my blog.

This is the link to my new page on my blog: My New Page

I created a folder and title it “about” becuase I thought I wanted to create a page about my past four years at Texas A&M. Halfway through creating that page, I decided to go in a different direction and write about my last spring break trip! I did not change the name of my folder, so I will just have to remember what files that folder contains. I like have organized files in organized folders, so that is why I chose to create a folder for my new page. I wrote a few paragraphs about my trip to give some background information about the photos I added that I took myself. I linked each photo from the folder on Github where I uploaded my photos to, and that worked well. I had to adjsut the sizing of the photos or else they would have been too large on the page.