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Full disclosure: This post was late. Just like last week. But today I am actually going to start this project! Yay to beating procrastination! This is my plan for today, 11/24/2020:

  1. Install and learn to use Visual Studio to code blog faster. (I do not like waiting for the blog to relaod itself over and over again.)

11/24 Notes: I downloaded Visual Studio Code! This was a large task for me due to the lack of space on my computer. It took a while to delete programs and create enough space for Visual Studio Code, but once I did I ended up with another problem. My new problem is that I when I type on “git clone” to the command palette, nothing comes up. I think I need to install something else, but I am not sure what. I will work on this more tomorrow.

  1. Create blog using GitHub (using previous notes from ENGL 460, and [these] websites)

11/24 Notes: Dependent on Step 1. No new progress.

  1. Transfer domain from Squarespace to GitHub

11/24 Notes: Dependent on Step 1. No new progress.

Here is my updates for the week:

  1. Write five blog posts. These do not have to be published yet.

11/25 Notes: Started writing. Not nearly finished yet.

  1. Create a hand drawing of the blog, including pages, categories, search bar, social media links, and navigation bar. Code is not needed at this step.

11/25 Notes: Not completed.

  1. Create and write an About page.

11/25 Notes: Have not even started.

Update for 12/4/2020

A few things: First, I did not know we only needed 12 relective blog posts. I was planning on writing for weeks after the last one was due. Second, I have not made much progress on my project becuase I have not worked on it much. With Thanksgiving, then three finals and two projects due, time management really kicked my butt the week. I am back! And oh so excited to be this close to my graudation! But first, ENGL 460.

1.Install and learn to use Visual Studio to code blog faster.

12/4 Notes: I FINALLY FIGURED OUT HOW TO INSTALL GIT TO USE FOR VS CODE!!! It was a JOURNEY. Like, an influencer making a video about how they “changed their whole life” and began their “fitness journey”. THAT kind of journey, you know? Anyway, after lots of blood and sweat and many, many tears I think I have it figured out. I used many sources, listed below:

The YouTube video that helped me start!

The Meat & Potatoes of Git

This nice forum that helped me figure out my path problem

Task 1 - Completed on 12/4

  1. Create blog using GitHub (using previous notes from ENGL 460, and [these] websites)

12/4 Notes: I created my basic repository in Git so that I can clone it in VS Code using the URL. Look at me using all of this lingo! I am impressing myself!

Task 2 - Completed on 12/4

  1. Transfer domain from Squarespace to GitHub

12/4 Notes: I had my domain at Squarespace before I took this class and learned how to manage a blog on my own! So I used this helpful page to transfer my domain to GoDaddy, which would be easier to use. It was also less than $2.00 to transfer, which is a blessing for my budget.

Task 3 - Completed on 12/4

Update for 12/5/2020

  1. Write four blog posts. These do not have to be published yet.

12/5 Notes: The hardest part about writing blog posts is starting. I want a really good title and then I spend 30 minutes trying to think of one. Here is at tip: don’t do that! I am just wasting time! I ended up drafting all four in the early afternoon. I started writing, and I decided I wanted to add something else to my blog. I want to add a statement of privilege, so to speak. Because I want to continue this blog after this class ends, I know that I want to write about certain difficult topics. I need to preference each of these blog posts with a statement of recognizing my own privilege. Instead of stating this at the top of each blog post, I thought that I could add a shorter statement to each blog post and create a seperate page of this statement. I will not be done writing these blog posts today, but I am making progress on them!

  1. Create a hand drawing of the blog, including pages, categories, search bar, social media links, and navigation bar. Code is not needed at this step.

12/5 Notes: I completed this fairly quickly. During this step, I looked more into different blogs like I liked to see how they have their blog layed out and what kind of other information they add to their website. This helped me to have a blueprint to what I want to design.

Task 5 - Completed on 12/5

  1. Create and write an About page.

12/5 Notes: I am still trying to learn VS Code. I am learning how to commit, push, and pull files to and from GitHub. While I learn that, I also am creating files on GitHub because that is easier for now. I have not created an About page on my blog yet, but I have written it.

  1. Route custom domain to github repository page.

12/5 Notes: I am waiting for the transfer to be complete, and then I will create a CNAME on GoDaddy and it should all work!

  1. Film and edit one video and create into a blog post.

12/5 Notes: Have not started.

Update for 12/6/2020

  1. Write four blog posts. These do not have to be published yet.

12/6 Notes: I have written two blog posts, and am working on the third. The third involves me watching LadyBird, becuase I liked the idea of having to watch a movie during finals, so I am working through that one. I need to revise them though. Halfway done.

  1. Find a universal social media handle fro Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and TikTok.

12/6 Notes: I do not think this will be attainable. I have not found a great handle that fits all social media accounts. To be determined.

  1. Route custom domain to github repository page.

12/6 Notes: Transfer is complete, but I am having trouble figuring out how to change the page from a GoDaddy landing page to my blog again. I found a blog post that will help me with it, but I am tired at this point (almost midnight on 12/6) so I will finish this step tomorrow, hopefully.

Update for 12/7/2020

  1. Write four blog posts. These do not have to be published yet.

  2. Route custom domain to github repository page.

  3. Create blog landing page.

  4. Implement blog design with HTML and CSS.

  5. Create a navigation bar.

  6. Create a search bar.

  7. Integrate social media links into blog

  8. Create customer header and footer.

  9. Create an About page.

  10. Post all 5 blog posts.