I am so excited to publish my first blog post! If you did not read that sentence in Kim Kardashian’s voice, please read it again so you’ll the full vibe of this blog. I know I just said vibe, I’m disappointed too.
Here is a quick rundown about myself: My name is Brooke! I am an INTJ, Ennegram Type 6, and an aquarius! Basically that means I am loyal, independent, and clueless in romance. What a great combo!
I am also a SENIOR at TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY and I will be graduating this December in the middle of a pandemic! Yay! I like lifting weights, learning about personal finance, and making Spotify playlists with funny names. I am currently watching Selling Sunset and I’m always listening to Girl Gotta Eat! I do not belong to any fandoms, but I did like One Direction through all 5 albums. Yes, obviously, I still like Harry. I mean, he sang Landslide with Stevie Nicks Fleetwood Mac! Iconic!!
The other largest part of my identity would be my family dog. Her name is Luna! She is 7 years old and we adopted her from a shelter two years ago. She was so scared when we first brought her home but she has grown so much! Anyway, these are my favorite pics of Luna!
For the purpose of getting an A on this assignment, here is my obligatory response: I took this course to finish my English minor and graduate on time. I chose this class specifically because I have a strong interest in digital media and marketing. I love learning about social media marketing, blogging, and creating content. I love math and critically thinking as well, and I thought learning about those topics from an English perspective would be helpful. I am really excited for this class!