This weeks reading covered what a file is, how to edit it, and other useful information about files. For the Hands-on activity, I created a new page on my blog where I discussed my backpacking trip to the Great Smoky Mountains. For this reflective blog post, I decided to focus on my favorite personal finance blog The Finanical Diet
The Financial Diet is a large business that has a successful blog and YouTube channel. I can only guess as to how this blog earns revenue to have a sustainable business, but a large part of this business is their blog. Becuase of that, this weeks topic of files can be explored through this blog.
I know that The Financial Diet has files everywhere, but it would be a lazy way to complete the assignment if I just linked the blog and said “Look, files!”. Instead, I navigated to the main page of the blog (after getting lost in an article about how to ask for a raise over Zoom) and looked at the HTML code of the blog. To do this, I pressed CTRL and U and the code came up in a different tab. Through this code, I was able to connect the information discussed in “What is a File” to a successful blog.
The first example is on line 738: img width=”700” height=”500” src=””
From this example, we can see that the point of this line of code is to locate a photo titled “Woman-using-laptop-hands-only-while-at-her-desk-with-agenda”. The “.jpg” tells both us and the computer that “this file contains JPG” which means it is an image saved in a compressed format standardized by the Joint Photographic Experts Group, or JPEG for short. This image in in a folder titled “09”, which is in a folder titled “2020”, which is in a folder titled “uploads”, which is in a folder titled “wp-content”.
Another aspect on this blog’s code is the use of tags, which were mentioned in “What is a File?”. Tags are special commands that tell your web browser how to display what is inside of the tag. There are many different types of tags and the more detailed the website is, the more tags that are needed. By looking at The Finanical Diet’s HTML code for their main page, it is obvious that HTML is distracting if you are focusing on the content of the blog and not the code of the blog. Some of the tags I found in this code example is <article> and <header>.
I do not have any thoughts on how to improve this blog and that is not why I chose to discuss The Financial Diet as part of this reflective blog. I thought it was a great website to show how organized files need to be in order to keep a website running efficiently.
Additionally, I doubt that the creators and editors of The Financial Diet coded the entire website in HTML. That would be a large, time-consuming task. I suspect that this blog was created with Wordpress becuase in line 30 the code says “This site is optimized with the Yoast SEO plugin v14.9 -”.
I liked being able to understand how files relate to code. I also liked being able to apply what I learned in the weekly reading to a successful blog!